Who Am I?

The Right Amount of Much

Lena Gilbert
1 min readApr 27, 2021
Photo of Lena by Fi Mims, montage by Murielle Marie

I am so much.

I won’t say I’m too much. I’ve learned better by now than to say that.

I am the right amount of much. So much.

I am embarrassed to be so much. I am proud to be so much. I never want to be less than this much.

Every plan I ever make is in the hopes that somehow, someway, I will arrive at the state of laughing so hard I can hardly breathe and my sides hurt and I hope I don’t snort. But if I do, that’s okay too.

Which path leads to awe? I’ll take that one. Life should make us say “Wow!”

I am glitter on my face and fishnet stockings. I am wool socks with holes in the heels and polka-pot pajamas. I am terrible fashion choices and cute as a button. I am ugly and awkward. I am an exotic beauty. I am a shapeshifter. I can turn myself invisible.

When I look into my own eyes, I see that I am here.



Lena Gilbert

Lena is a performer, storyteller, choreographer, writer, self-taught philosopher, and coach. www.LenaGilbert.com